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kevin. triomphe avec la premire transaction NFC de compte compte sur iPhone



–News Direct–

Dans un vnement rvolutionnaire destin bouleverser le paysage des paiements en magasin, kevin., un pionnier de la technologie de paiement, a russi la toute premire transaction NFC de compte compte sur un iPhone.

Vido de la transaction : lien

Dans un monde financier o la commodit et la scurit sont de la plus haute importance, kevin. a tabli un nouveau sommet en excutant le premier paiement NFC de compte compte non-Apple Pay sur un iPhone. Ce bond technologique fait suite la pression exerce par la Commission europenne sur Apple pour dmocratiser l'accs au NFC. Cela survient aprs des annes durant lesquelles le contrle strict d'Apple sur la technologie NFC dans les appareils iOS avait touff la concurrence de tiers.

Pavel Sokolovas, co-fondateur de kevin., exprime l'ampleur de ce moment : Briser les dernires barrires des paiements NFC sur les appareils iOS reprsente un vritable moment charnire. Nous sommes immensment fiers d'tre les premiers fournir des transactions de compte compte en utilisant le NFC d'Apple, donnant aux consommateurs le pouvoir de choisir leur mode de paiement.

En janvier 2022, kevin. a fait sensation en activant cette mthode de paiement innovante pour les utilisateurs Android, dmarche salue pour son originalit et sa volont vers un cosystme de paiement ouvert. Maintenant, avec les changements rglementaires en cours, kevin. a rapidement obtenu l'autorisation dans le cadre du programme d'entitlement NFC d'Apple et a commenc le dveloppement dans leur environnement contrl.

Juste six semaines aprs le lancement du programme d'Apple, kevin. clbrait l'excution russie de la transaction exprimentale en mode dveloppement, prparant le terrain pour ce qui pourrait rvolutionner les interactions aux points de vente (POS).

Sokolovas a dcrit le parcours technique : Nous avons dvelopp de manire rigoureuse dans le cadre architectural d'Apple. Notre quipe a travaill sans relche pour intgrer notre solution technique kevin. dans l'mulation de carte hte (HCE) d'Apple, comprenant les normes de scurit, la validation des transactions et bien plus encore pour crer une exprience transparente permettant aux utilisateurs des transactions partir de leurs applications bancaires ou de portefeuille.

La Commission europenne continue de surveiller les retours des premiers dveloppeurs comme kevin. tout en anticipant le dmarrage officiel d'une mise en uvre plus large du NFC. Cette surveillance souligne l'engagement de la Commission favoriser l'innovation et la concurrence quitable dans le domaine des paiements mobiles. Le secteur anticipe une monte en flche de solutions de paiement similaires la suite de ce succs initial. kevin. a en effet tabli un prcdent dominant, promettant un march ouvert o les consommateurs ne sont plus limits par des plateformes de paiement spcifiques aux dispositifs – une refonte fondamentale de la faon dont les transactions sont menes dans le monde entier.

kevin. est une entreprise de technologie visionnaire qui redfinit les systmes de paiement pour rpondre aux besoins de demain. De son sige mondial en Europe son rcent expansion dans le centre financier anim de Duba, la mission de kevin. a t constante : offrir une technologie de bout en bout fiable et des conomies substantielles sur les frais de transaction sans changer la faon dont les gens paient. L'introduction de leur rseau d'acceptation de paiement multi-locataire et indpendant de la marque marque une volution significative pour les consommateurs et les entreprises, accordant l'autonomie et la valeur sans les contraintes de la technologie hrite.

Tlcharger : logo Kevin, image de Pavel Sokolovas et vido de transaction iOS : lien

– fin –

propos de kevin.

kevin. est une entreprise de technologie pionnire dont la mission est de rvolutionner les systmes de paiement hrits. Avec une infrastructure nouvellement construite, kevin. rend les transactions plus efficaces, scurises et pratiques pour les ventes numriques et physiques. Son rseau d'acceptation de paiements multi-locataire est blanc de marque, indpendant de la marque et sans intermdiaire, offrant aux partenaires un contrle complet de leurs processus de paiement en magasin. Cela les habilite dbloquer une plus grande valeur grce de nouveaux services, des taux de conversion amliors et une fidlit client renforce.

Le rseau kevin. redfinit les paiements internationaux, assurant une infrastructure de paiement NFC scurise de compte compte pour les terminaux POS dans le monde entier. Cette innovation offre une exprience de 'tap and go', compatible avec les appareils Android et iOS, rendant les paiements internationaux aussi familiers que les paiements locaux.

kevin. est soutenu par Accel, Eurazeo et d'autres investisseurs, y compris OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean et Global Paytech Venture.

Engagement envers l'cosystme

L'objectif de kevin. est d'autonomiser tous les acteurs de l'cosystme de paiement, y compris les banques, les portefeuilles numriques, les dtaillants et autres. L'entreprise permet ces entits de lancer leurs propres schmas indpendants non-carte ou d'largir leurs services en se connectant un rseau existant sur la plateforme kevin.

Contact Details

NettResults Relations Publiques

Nick Leighton

+1 949-478-5880

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Disclaimer: The views, suggestions, and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Digi Observer journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.

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Press Release

Your 1 Plumber Adopts Smart Plumbing Technology for Enhanced Home Efficiency



Revolutionizing Water Management with Smart Leak Detectors and Water Usage Monitoring Systems

Germantown, Maryland, 21st October 2024, ZEX PR WIRE, Your 1 Plumber, a leading name in residential plumbing services, is excited to announce the integration of cutting-edge smart plumbing technology into its offerings. This innovative approach includes the installation of smart leak detectors and water usage monitoring systems aimed at helping homeowners reduce water waste, prevent costly damage, and increase energy efficiency. With this step, Your 1 Plumber is aligning its services with the growing demand for smarter, more efficient homes, marking a new era in water management.

 “We’re thrilled to bring this level of innovation to our customers,” said a representative of Your 1 Plumber. “By integrating smart plumbing technology into our services, we’re helping homeowners not only protect their homes from water damage but also play a key role in reducing water waste and improving energy efficiency. It’s all about giving our customers smarter tools to manage their homes more effectively.”

With water conservation becoming a critical issue in many regions, these smart plumbing systems also contribute to environmental sustainability. The average household wastes over 10,000 gallons of water annually due to leaks, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The installation of smart leak detectors can significantly reduce that number by detecting and addressing issues immediately. Furthermore, monitoring systems provide homeowners with usage reports that help identify inefficiencies and opportunities to reduce consumption, ultimately contributing to lower water bills and a smaller environmental footprint.

Your 1 Plumber’s smart plumbing solutions are designed to integrate into existing home automation systems seamlessly. These technologies align with the latest trends in smart homes, which are rapidly growing in popularity among homeowners looking to modernize and optimize their living spaces.

Your 1 Plumber’s smart plumbing services are now available to residents in Gaithersburg, Rockville, Germantown, and surrounding areas, bringing advanced plumbing technology into homes across Maryland. As part of its commitment to delivering exceptional service, Your 1 Plumber offers expert installation and support for all its smart plumbing systems, ensuring that customers can easily transition to these next-generation solutions.

For more information on how Your 1 Plumber’s smart plumbing technology can enhance your home’s efficiency and reduce water waste, visit the contact information below.

About Your 1 Plumber:

Your 1 Plumber has been a trusted provider of residential plumbing services in Maryland for over 20 years. The company specializes in a wide range of plumbing services, including repairs, installations, and preventive maintenance. Dedicated to customer satisfaction and innovative solutions, Your 1 Plumber continually adapts to the latest trends in home efficiency and technology.

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Disclaimer: The views, suggestions, and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Digi Observer journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.

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Press Release

Yoel Belitz – Industry Leader in Interior Design Shares Insights on How to Become a Professional Interior Designer



For over two decades, Yoel Belitz has been an influential figure in the world of interior design, shaping environments with his sophisticated and innovative concepts. As the founder of Yoel’s Décor, a prominent design firm established in 2003, Belitz’s impact on the industry has been nothing short of transformative. Today, he offers aspiring designers invaluable insights on how to break into the field and thrive.

Becoming a professional interior designer is a journey that requires more than an eye for aesthetics; it demands a combination of education, creativity, technical skills, and a keen understanding of client needs. According to Yoel, who has worked closely with architects, builders, and clients on high-profile projects, the path to success in this field is marked by dedication, collaboration, and continuous learning.

The Educational Path

“Interior design is a profession that blends creativity with technical expertise,” says Yoel Belitz. “A formal education helps lay the foundation for this delicate balance.”

Missouri, USA, 21st October 2024, ZEX PR WIRE, To become an interior designer, aspiring professionals typically need a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. While interior design programs are common, degrees in fine arts or architecture are also valuable. Students should immerse themselves in courses such as interior design, drawing, and computer-aided design (CAD) to build essential skills.

Yoel highlights that several accredited institutions offer robust interior design programs. The National Association of Schools of Art and Design accredits over 360 postsecondary colleges and universities, while the Council for Interior Design Accreditation oversees 180 professional-level programs. Additionally, specialized programs for kitchen and bath design are offered by schools affiliated with the National Kitchen & Bath Association, ranging from certificate programs to bachelor’s degrees.

“Education is vital, but so is artistic ability and creativity,” Yoel notes. “Your academic journey should complement your passion for design.”

Licensing and Certification

Licensing requirements for interior designers vary by state. Some states mandate licensure, allowing only licensed individuals to use the title “interior designer” or to perform certain tasks. For those states, the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) exam is often a critical milestone. Passing this exam requires candidates to have at least a bachelor’s degree in interior design and two years of full-time work experience.

In states like California, different licensure exams exist, such as the one administered by the California Council for Interior Design Certification (CCIDC). Yoel emphasizes that staying informed about local regulations is crucial, as they can significantly impact your ability to practice.

For designers looking to specialize, voluntary certifications in areas like environmental design can set them apart and showcase their expertise. “The design world is broad, and specialization allows you to carve a niche,” says Yoel. Certifications are available through professional organizations and trade associations, adding another layer of credibility to a designer’s portfolio.

Skills that Make a Successful Interior Designer

While education and licensing are key, Yoel Belitz stresses that certain innate qualities and skills are what truly define a successful interior designer. In his own practice, which has earned global acclaim, Yoel attributes his success to a combination of artistic ability, creativity, and problem-solving skills. He elaborates:

  • Artistic Ability and Creativity: “Interior designers need to craft spaces that are both beautiful and functional. Your style must resonate with your clients’ needs and personalities,” Yoel explains. “The best designs are those that speak to both form and function.”

In his own work, Yoel is known for his playful yet deliberate use of color, textures, and arrangements, often weaving in historical and cultural influences that elevate his designs to new heights. He notes that aspiring designers should continuously hone their artistic instincts by staying informed about global trends, experimenting with different styles, and visiting art galleries and museums.

  • Detail-Oriented: Precision is crucial in interior design, especially when working with engineers, builders, and other contractors. “Every measurement, every line on a drawing must be exact,” Yoel says. “Without attention to detail, the entire project could suffer.”

Yoel’s meticulous approach to measurements and specifications has earned him a reputation for perfection, ensuring that the spaces he creates not only look beautiful but are also functional and structurally sound.

  • Interpersonal Skills: Interior design is a collaborative process. Designers must communicate effectively with clients, contractors, and other team members. “Listening to your client’s needs is just as important as offering your creative input,” Yoel advises. “A successful project is one where both the client and designer’s visions come to life harmoniously.”

Yoel’s ability to engage with clients and create bespoke environments tailored to their needs has been a cornerstone of his success. His approach emphasizes building strong relationships, which often leads to repeat business and referrals.

  • Problem-Solving Skills: Every project comes with its unique challenges, from material shortages to construction delays. “Being able to think on your feet and adapt to unforeseen circumstances is crucial,” says Yoel. His ability to navigate complex problems while keeping the project on track has made him a trusted partner for architects and builders alike.
  • Visualization: A strong sense of proportion and visual awareness is essential in design. “You must be able to envision how every piece of furniture, every color, and every texture will come together to create a cohesive space,” Yoel explains.

This talent for visualization is what allows Yoel to blend tradition with innovation, crafting spaces that are as timeless as they are forward-thinking.

Yoel’s Journey and the Road Ahead

Yoel Belitz’s own journey into the world of interior design is a testament to the power of passion, education, and hard work. Since founding Yoel’s Décor in 2003, he has garnered widespread recognition for his distinctive aesthetic and transformative designs. Drawing inspiration from his surroundings in Springfield, Yoel has mastered the art of seamlessly blending historical influences with cutting-edge innovation.

His projects span a wide range of environments, from sophisticated urban lofts to serene, nature-inspired retreats. Notably, Yoel finds personal inspiration in the tranquil landscapes of Hawaii, where the natural beauty fuels his creativity.

Looking ahead, Yoel believes that the future of interior design lies in sustainability and technology. He encourages aspiring designers to stay abreast of trends like eco-friendly materials and smart home technologies, which are reshaping the industry.

“For anyone aspiring to become an interior designer, remember that this is a field that’s constantly evolving,” Yoel says. “Keep learning, stay curious, and most importantly, trust your creative instincts.”


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Disclaimer: The views, suggestions, and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Digi Observer journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.

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Press Release

Naqdi Takes Over Dubai Metro With Major Sponsorship of World Trade Centre Station



Dubai, UAE, 21st October 2024, ZEX PR WIRE, Naqdi, the trailblazing STP broker, has made a bold statement in the UAE by securing an exclusive sponsorship of the World Trade Centre (WTC) Metro station in Dubai. This move, more than just a branding effort, represents Naqdi’s dynamic approach to expanding its presence in one of the busiest and most iconic transit hubs in the city. The sponsorship effectively turns the WTC Metro station into a landmark for Naqdi, immersing millions of commuters daily in the company’s brand and vision.

This takeover of such a prime location underscores Naqdi’s rapid ascent in the UAE financial sector. The station’s strategic location, right in the heart of Dubai’s business district, perfectly aligns with Naqdi’s ambition to position itself as the leading financial services provider for traders & partners across the Middle East. The sponsorship integrates Naqdi into the fabric of everyday life in Dubai, allowing the company to continuously engage with both residents and professionals.

Adding to its momentum, Naqdi also participated as a regional sponsor in the Forex Expo Dubai, where it showcased its cutting-edge STP trading model to a global audience of industry leaders, traders, partners and investors. This high-profile event highlights Naqdi’s strategic efforts to solidify its influence in the financial markets.

Together, the WTC Metro station sponsorship, and Naqdi’s prominent role in the Forex Expo symbolize the company’s intent to dominate not just the UAE market but the regional financial landscape, positioning itself as a leader in the forex industry.

About Naqdi:

Naqdi is a leading forex and CFD broker, dedicated to providing a personalized trading experience for traders of all levels. With cutting-edge technology and a commitment to transparency, Naqdi offers a pure STP (Straight Through Processing) trading environment, ensuring that there is no human intervention in trades. The company is licensed by (SCA) of the UAE and (FSCA) of South Africa, demonstrating its adherence to regulatory standards and dedication to providing a secure and reliable trading experience. Naqdi aims to empower traders with the tools they need to succeed and is committed to expanding financial opportunities across the region.

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Disclaimer: The views, suggestions, and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Digi Observer journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.

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