Mark Olynyk is thrilled to announce the release of “Stones of Time,” a unique and thought-provoking book that presents life observations through a series of poems...
Renowned author Fred Storey takes readers on an exciting journey through time with his latest historical fiction novel, The Æthling. Set in 11th-century England, this richly...
The graphic novel world welcomes a new series steeped in artistic collaboration and a poignant tribute: Libros, showcasing the artwork of Dean Thomas. This graphic novel...
G.H. Cline, famous for his literary diversity, debuts Trixie: A Feral’s Journey. This is a tale of a kitten forced on a journey to discover resilience,...
The book Trixie: A Feral’s Journey, written by G.H. Cline, transports readers on an enchanting odyssey filled with diverse creatures, mystery, and self-discovery. This literary exploration...
Excitement is building for the release of Brenda O’Berry’s latest book, “Where God Inhabits: A People Within a People,” which is poised to transform perceptions of...
Mychael T. Renn’s highly anticipated book, “Nailed It: (A metaphysical translation of Bible parables)” which was launched on March 26, 2024, has garnered significant acclaim for...
G.H. Cline debuts Trixie: A Feral’s Journey, based on a true story, is a tale of feline resilience, trust, and the relationship between humans and their...
Kyle A. Medlam’s latest novel, “All the Way In. No Way Out,” realeased last month, is now available in major online bookstores. This crime thriller is...
Mychael T. Renn’s latest book, The Alchemy of Vision: Exploring The Depths of Heaven and Hell Through William Blake and Neville Goddard, takes readers on an...